Breast Cancer awareness is something very close to our hearts here at the Rosewood Household.
My own mother, thankfully, is a survivor and has been Cancer free for four years now.
We are so grateful that it was caught in time and she had the operations, chemo and care that was needed to get her, and us, all through it.
It’s something that affects so many families in some way and at some time so this is why I wanted to share with you this picture and campaign.
‘Change and Check’ was started by Helen Addis, a producer on the ITV programme; Lorraine and it reminds us to check for symptoms with major stores such as John Lewis, ASDA and Monsoon placing the stickers in their changing rooms across the UK.
The aim is simple: to get as many people as possible checking their boobs for the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. xx
Download the Sticker Today Using The Button Below.
If you are a business who has changing rooms, download it and place in them – you never know it may save someone’s life!
And also, use in your own home wardrobe to remind you to check your breasts regularly. I know I will have it displayed in mine.