My author journey started back in 2020 when I launched my debut novel, Reasonable Lies, and what a roller coaster it’s been so far.
Nothing could have prepared me for the thrills and spills of being an author.
Sometimes it’s amazing, sometimes it’s…well not so amazing.
But, when I recently carried out my very first signing event in the book shop where it all started; I was thrilled that a fan turned up to say hello and meet me for the first time in person.
Sophie not only came to support me that evening but she also brought along her collection of my books which were all placed carefully and individually inside a book sleeve. She told me that she rarely takes her books outside so what an honour for me to see her with them.
I would love to meet more of my readers so if you know of a book store that would like me to come along and do a signing event, let me know by emailing me or messaging me on Instagram or Facebook.
I hope to meet some more of you soon. 🙂