I can’t quite believe that we are into July already.
It’s been amazing to see all my June rosettes and their fabulous reviews, pictures, and thoughts on the book and I’m so excited for this to now continue throughout the month of July.
This tour started off as just a twenty-day event but as I had so many readers wanting to join in, I extended it for another twenty days; THEN, it was extended yet again and now runs to sixty-one days. (at the moment) 🙂
Readers have been really honest and it’s been helping me to continue writing another project which links to this book so watch this space for more information about that exciting project.
I hope you get a chance to have a look through the blog at the reviews that have been posted already.
If you are on Instagram, please give us a few likes on their posts – they take so much time and attention to do these reviews and I thank each and every one of those 61 readers taking part.