Book Tour | Day 9 | Naomi 💜

Today is my turn on the book tour for Quiet Whispers, the new book from author @tarosewood

When I was asked if I wanted to join the book tour there was no way I was going to turn it down.

Author @tarosewood really knows how to tug at your heartstrings and send you on one hell of emotional rollercoaster.

What I liked best was the relationship between character Kitty and her Nanna. I think this is because I was very close to my own Nan so reading about them felt comforting to me.

Another 5 star read from me! I just love how the author writes and how they draw me in. Once I started reading Quiet Whispers I found it hard to put down.

Thank you to @tarosewood for gifting me a ebook copy and for inviting me onto the tour.