
Back in May 2021, I thought it would be fun to do a little book tour on Instagram.

Initially, I thought, 20 days would do it – that might make an impression on the social media platform that is amazing for all things books, readers, and writers and so I asked a few of my followers what they thought and if they’d like to take part.

The response was overwhelming and as the tour started, it became bigger and longer.

In total, the tour lasted for 61 days with some brilliant pictures being taken of my book along with some constructive reviews that are now helping me further in my next book.

It really has been a fabulous experience for me as a new author and I want to thank every single one of the 61 readers who took part during June and July.

Readers from as far away as Canada took part, Scotland, Wales, England – And The USA and even India!

Internationally, Reasonable Lies has now grown and reached so many new readers and hopefully raised even more awareness for breast cancer in the meantime, which is such an important part of this whole process.

If it helps one person, saves one person, or gives someone hope, then it’s done its job. 🙂

If you’d like to experience the roller coaster ride of Jane and her Reasonable Lies, you can buy it on Amazon or get a signed copy directly from me if you are in the UK.

See the lists below for who took part and then the amazing pics that were sent in.

Oh my goodness!!! What a rollercoaster I have been through reading this book. Literally sitting in my car on my tea break at work sobbing my heart out!

This beautifully written book captures the emotions and stresses that an unexpected diagnosis has on the main character Jane and ultimately her family and friends.

Some books stay with you long after they have been read and this is one of those!

Lyn, Bookstagrammer

This is one of the most beautiful & heartbreaking books I have EVER read… I absolutely loved it.. I couldn’t put it down..

The only time I put it down was to wipe my eyes from all the crying… 😭

Beautifully written & such an important storyline…

I’m not normally a quick reader & sometimes it takes me ages to finish a book.. but this took me 2 days..

Steph, Bookstagrammer

The tears flowed as I turned the pages, putting myself in Jane’s shoes and relating in any way I could. I found myself wondering how I’d feel in this situation, how many families might feel; whether I too would try to protect them as Jane had. I loved her friendships, particularly with the wonderful James who was an extraordinary character. This was a wholeheartedly relatable book, a real reminder that this could happen to any of us but that we should make the most of the time we have.

Kim, Bookstagrammer